Here’s our preview
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside…
We’re literally chomping at the bit here at RT Towers as BrightonSEO is now within spitting distance. Yes we’re gearing up to head to the south coast, hoping we catch a glimpse of Norman Cook meandering through The Lanes as we inhale the finest fish and chips the UK can offer. But most importantly we’re dead excited to be sharing with 5000 of the most influential digital marketers in the world the wonders of Call Intelligence.
Finding your blind spot…
It’s been a firm fixture on ResponseTap’s calendar for some time now. But this year ResponseTap will be heading to the 7 April event in a dual capacity.
Because our tech has grown to become Europe’s leading Call Intelligence platform, we will be exhibiting at the event to show marketing delegates how the platform can optimize campaign investments and conversions.
And our own marketing experts will also be on hand to offer even more advice to attendees.
Away from the exhibition stand, ResponseTap’s Partner Relationship Manager Oyin Bamgbose will be exuding his natural charm and sharing with the SEO-ers a specialist seminar: Call Intelligence: Eliminate your conversion blind spot.
Oyin explains: “As customers’ paths to purchase become increasingly complex, search marketers are under mounting pressure to evidence their contribution to ROI within the multichannel mix. We’re here to support that process.
“For many brands there is an ‘untrackable’ gap, when a prospect or customer picks up the phone. But this gap needs to be filled. Online and offline behaviours are not mutually exclusive so they shouldn’t be viewed in isolation. Search marketers need to understand what makes the phone ring, so that’s exactly what my practical, advice-led session is about.”
Pre-registration for BrightonSEO is essential. We hope to see you there!
If you can’t make the event but would like to discuss the role that call intelligence plays in your digital marketing activities, please call us on 0800 144 8323 or email info@responsetap.com. Similarly, if you’re an agency providing search marketing services to B2B or B2C clients, let’s chat.
Watch out for our videos from the event along with our key takeaways!