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Search Laboratory maximizes ROI with ResponseTap

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Watch how Search Laboratory optimizes PPC campaigns for their clients, with ResponseTap

For full-service, global digital marketing agency Search Laboratory, optimizing PPC campaigns to maximize ROI for clients is key.

ResponseTap allows the agency to track conversions that happen offline as well as those happening online, so they can optimize accordingly.

We went to meet the Search Laboratory team in their Leeds, UK, office to learn more about how they use the platform and what they think of it.


  • How Search Laboratory uses ResponseTap to provide full visibility of online/offline conversion.
  • How ResponseTap’s Analytics and Google Ads integrations optimize campaigns and increase ROI for clients.
  • How the agency uses the platform to easily report to clients.
Data is one of our key drivers to define our strategy and for reporting on results. It's important for us to work with a trusted partner, like ResponseTap, where we know we can trust the data and the metrics they're providing.

Angus Hamilton

Chief Technology Officer, Search Laboratory

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